What is your refund policy?


In this article, we'll have a look at our refund policy.

Customers can request a refund in their first month of active subscription to Social Cat. Please be advised this doesn't mean customers are automatically entitled to a refund.

Our team processes each request. The request can be denied if an activity is detected in the account: matches, messages, content uploaded, or proposals.

Social Cat doesn't process refunds for subscriptions older than one month. We provide constant email communication to ensure customers are aware their subscription is active, and we have a cancel-anytime policy in place.

In addition to our direct communication, our payment partner, Stripe, sends regular subscription reminders before renewals, which can be provided as proof.

We consider it a customer's responsibility to cancel their subscription.

Still have questions? 🤔 Please send us a message or email us at joe@thesocialcat.com.