What types of collaborations are available on Social Cat?


Social Cat connects creators like you with brands on Instagram & TikTok for the following collaborations: 


  1. Gifted: you receive product for FREE (including shipping) from brands.  

  2. Affiliate: you receive product for FREE (including shipping) from brands + a commission from the sales they make: either fixed like $10 for example or a percentage like 10% or whatever the brand proposes. 

  3. Paid: you receive product for FREE (including shipping) from brands + a fee that you agree with them on the platform. 

It will be expected that when agreeing to a collaboration with a brand, whether it is gifted, paid or affiliate- the same level of care and attention will be presented in your content.

Remember if you agree to a gifted campaign, you are agreeing that you are happy to create content to the best of your abilities in exchange for this. You always have the option to apply/ or not apply for every campaign presented to you so you can always choose not to apply if you don't wish to.

Social Cat Tip 🕵️‍♂️ : Did you know we are free for creators? Feel free to sign up and explore the platform and its features firsthand.

Still have questions? 🤔 Please send us a message or email us at hello@thesocialcat.com.