What is a micro-influencer?


We tend to classify creators under 50k followers "micro-influencers", however there are accounts outside of this which will still qualify for the platform.

Whilst there is no official lower limit for a minimum number of followers as we are also focused on engagement rates, quality of audience, quality of content, frequency of posting, an account's potential etc- we generally encourage you to wait until you are at least at 1k before applying.

Brands will be gifting products based on them being seen by a higher number of potential buyers so you may be considered under this limit if we believe you have the right audience.

Social Cat Tip 🕵️‍♂️ : Did you know we are free for creators? Feel free to sign up and explore the platform and its features firsthand.

Still have questions? 🤔 Please send us a message or email us at hello@thesocialcat.com.