How do reviews work?


In this article, we'll learn how reviews work and when to leave a review.

Both brands and creators can review each other on Social Cat. Brands can leave reviews at different stages of the collaboration:

When matches are replaced

If the collaboration status is "Matched," you can replace the collaboration after 48 hours and leave a review. This is optional, and you can choose not to leave a review at this stage.

Some brands leave reviews related to creators being unresponsive within 48 hours, but we don't recommend doing that. Some of our creators are not doing this full-time, and it's understandable if they cannot reply in a timely manner.

Instead, we suggest skipping the review and replacing the collaboration.

After you ship your product to the creator

If the collaboration status is "Product shipped" and the creator is late in delivering the content, you can replace the collaboration and leave a review after 10 days. This doesn't happen very often since brands prefer to wait for their collaborations to go live.

Instead, a better option here is to communicate with the creator to get an update on the content and the collaboration.

Once the content has been published

If the collaboration status is "Content published" and something is missing or the creator didn't provide the agreed content, you can replace the collaboration and leave a review after 30 days.

Additionally, creators can review brands at the end of the collaboration. If you'd like to see your reviews, check this article we wrote.

Reviews are publicly displayed on creators' profiles, promoting transparency and helping brands make informed decisions when choosing who to collaborate with. This encourages accountability and helps maintain high standards within our community.

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