What filters can I use to search for influencers?


In this article, we'll learn what filters can be used in the Prospects tool.

Filtering prospects effectively is essential for finding the right creators to collaborate with.

At Social Cat, you have several options to refine your search and find creators that perfectly match your brand’s needs. Here’s a detailed guide on how to filter your prospects:

Filter by Location:

  • City and Country: You can filter creators based on their city and country. This is useful if you're looking for local influencers or targeting specific geographic areas.

Filter by Niche:

  • 21 Niches and Growing: You can sort creators by niche, choosing from 21 available categories. Social Cat continually expands these niches to include more specialized areas.

Filter by Demographics:

  • Gender: Filter creators by gender to find the right fit for your campaign.

  • Age: Narrow down your prospects by age group to target the right audience.

  • Ethnicity: Choose creators based on ethnicity to ensure diversity in your campaigns.

  • Pets: An interesting filter allows you to sort creators based on whether they have pets or not, which can be useful for pet-related campaigns.

Filter by Payment Type:

  • Affiliate

  • Paid

  • Gifted

Filter by Followers:

  • This allows you to filter creators based on their follower count, ensuring you reach an audience size that aligns with your campaign goals.

Filter by Trophies:

  • Internal Criteria: Social Cat awards trophies to creators based on internal criteria, recognizing their achievements and reliability. Learn more about these criteria here.

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