What does up to 5, 15, or 30 collaborations mean?

This is the maximum number of creators you can collaborate with monthly per your plan. Each subscription plan gets your brand exposure in front of a certain number of creators every month to meet the number of matches per plan: 5, 15, or 30. The amount of exposure varies from brand to brand.

Note: want to learn more about how the exposure works? Check out this article.

Every month, we will provide exposure in front of a new pool of creators, different than the previous month and tailored to your requirements.

Note: a collaboration occurs when a brand accepts an applicant or when a creator accepts a brand's invitation.

For example, a brand has 15 applicants, meaning 15 influencers that are interested in collaborating with them. This means 0 collaborations, but if the brand accepts 5 applicants, those are counted as 5 collaborations and deducted from the plan.

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